Makings of a Classic Concierge


We’ve had a bit of a content blitz to close out the year at Monscierge. Over the last week we launched a brand new website (welcome to our new space!), a video starring Novotel’s Virtual Concierge, and the Winter 2013 GEM Report.

I am continually delighted with the talented efforts of the various teams whose work I get to share, and along with tremendous innovation and growth in product development, this year has been no exception. This is my last post of the year, so I will leave you with my favorite piece of the GEM Report, Dante Crisafulli from Hyatt Regency Clearwater Beach and the makings of a classic concierge:

  1. Skilled Listener: I love the idea of listening as a skill. A skilled listener can pick up on the slightest hints, which can in turn be used to surprise and delight your guests.
  2. Charismatic Personality: A charming personality makes your concierge approachable and goes a long way toward the comfort of your guests.
  3. True Helper: Find someone who truly desires to help others. A genuine spirit of helpfulness makes this more than just a job, and that attitude will shine through for your guests.
  4. Invested Staff Member:  This goes across the board for any hotel staff member, everyone at a hotel is in the customer service business. More than any other industry, hospitality staff members all reflect on each other, so find someone who is invested in your hotel and you will have a winner.
  5. Well-Rounded Approach: “Being a concierge means having a high work ethic, integrity, sincerity, and discretion in your guest interaction.” ~Dante Crisafulli, Certified Concierge, Hyatt Regency Clearwater Beach Resort and Spa