Digital Guest Journey: Mobile Concierge


Travelers everywhere are using smartphones to get information about their destination and recommendations for the best possible experience. While some guests are using third party apps for this, some hotels have found that a mobile concierge is the best way to ensure guests have a positive experience throughout their stay.

Just as hotels have always provided tried and true recommendations to guests, mobile access to the same hotel-provided knowledge eliminates false information and gives hotels ownership in the entire guest journey. A great experience means a happy guest, and a happy guest will be a returning guest and a champion of the brand.

Hotels can provide concierge recommendations through their mobile app, which can be edited and updated as needed by managers or the concierge. Guests can find what they are looking for along with any other relevant information (menus, hours of operation, directions, etc.) at their fingertips.

If you would like to incorporate mobile concierge into your digital guest journey, you can try it here for free.