Favorite Finds of 2012


I hope all of you had a happy holiday season and a good start to 2013. Here at Monscierge we are busier than ever getting ready for new projects this year.

The latest GEM Report is out soon, taking a look back at 2012 and forward at 2013. (You can catch up on Q1 and Q2 at the links.)

In the same spirit, I’d like to share some favorites over the last year.

Our most-shared blog posts:

  • What happens to the hotel guest experience during an emergency? This post discussed our own Elizabeth Robinson’s experience during Hurricane Sandy.
  • Hotels doing social media right. Three brands on Facebook and Twitter who are rocking their social media presence.

Favorite new (or new-to-me) people:

  • Steve Cokkinias, CEO of InnSense Leadership, writes about his stories from the wild side of the hotel business on the InnSense blog.
  • Lucy Hys, blogger at Online Fantastic, is a social media expert in the travel industry and has some great tips on her blog for hoteliers.

Favorite Guest Experience Articles:

  • Pineapple Service, by Roberta Nedry, discusses how the littlest efforts can make the biggest impressions on the guest experience.
  • Hospitality favorite Are Morch discusses social media’s influence on the guest experience in his article “How Remarkable Guest Experiences Will Close the Social Media Gap”.

The biggest news for us in 2012 was the release of our app, Monscierge Connect. Text “Connect” to 411247 to try it out, and we’d love to hear your feedback.

What were your favorite finds in 2012?