The hospitality industry moves so quickly that sometimes it is hard to blend the new and the old. The well-known hospitality professional, Larry Mogelonsky, has developed a tool that will keep hotel executives, managers, staff and students up to date with current issues in the hotel industry.
The Llama Digital educational program is an online interactive suite specifically designed for hoteliers to sharpen their skills. I had the opportunity to use the product as both an instructor and a student. It is built on Larry’s writings in online hospitality journals. Instructors can log in to the site and set up courses geared toward desired skill-sets. It’s a simple process, due dates are fully customizable, and completed assignments can be graded with comments from the instructor.
What I liked most about the answers section is the lack of “multiple choice.” The questions are posed in such a way that students have to come up with a creative solution to the issue at hand – just like they would if faced with the situation in person. Larry gives real-world scenarios, everything from dealing with travel writers to mitigating bad TripAdvisor reviews, and asks the students how they would respond. I believe this will offer valuable insights into the mindset of your team, and help identify core strengths and weaknesses.