Monscierge Blog

Investing in Digital Meeting & Event Signs

In 2024, in-person meetings and events are returning to their pre-COVID levels. Recent studies indicate that 81% of meetings will have an in-person component. As the hospitality industry adapts to this resurgence, hotels must seek innovative ways to enhance guest experience, streamline operations, and differentiate themselves from the competition. Enhanced Guest Experience One of the most promising advancements in recent years is the integration of digital meeting and event signs and interactive lobby screens. These cutting-edge technologies offer a multitude of benefits that can transform the way hotels operate and engage with their guests. Here’s why hotels should consider investing in these digital solutions Real-Time Information: Digital meeting and event signs provide guests with real-time updates about events, meetings, and other activities happening within the hotel. This ensures that guests are always informed about the latest schedules, changes, or cancellations, leading to a more seamless and stress-free experience. Guest Engagement: Digital signage enhances guest engagement by delivering dynamic, eye-catching content that captures attention and encourages interaction. Research by Nielsen found that digital signage increases brand recall by 47.7%, indicating its effectiveness in engaging consumers and driving brand awareness. Easy Navigation: Large hotels can be confusing to navigate, especially for first-time

Boosting Revenue with Guest Experience Upsells

In the competitive world of hospitality, finding innovative ways to enhance guest experience while driving revenue is crucial. One effective strategy is promoting upsells through in-room infotainment and digital marketing. This approach not only enriches the guest experience but also creates multiple revenue streams for the hotel. The impact of upselling in many cases increased the sales of promoted items by over 30%. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to effectively utilize these tools to increase your hotel’s revenue. The Power of In-Room Infotainment In-room infotainment systems offer a unique opportunity to engage guests during their stay. These systems provide a variety of entertainment options, from movies and TV shows to interactive services like ordering room service, booking spa appointments, and exploring local attractions. Key Benefits: Enhanced Guest Experience: By providing high-quality entertainment and convenient access to hotel services, you can significantly enhance the overall guest experience. Happy guests are more likely to spend on additional services and amenities. Direct Upsell Opportunities: Use the infotainment system to promote room upgrades, dining options, spa services, and special packages. Interactive displays can showcase these offers in an engaging and visually appealing way throughout the property. Data Collection: Infotainment systems can collect

The Magic of Streaming Hotel TV

As I checked into my boutique hotel for the weekend, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement. As someone who spends a lot of time traveling, I’ve grown accustomed to the various amenities that hotels offer. But there was something special about this place – something that made me feel like I was in for a real treat. I soon discovered what that was when I entered my room and saw the large flat-screen TV mounted on the wall. But it wasn’t just any TV. This bad boy was loaded with every streaming service you could imagine – Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, you name it. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But what’s so special about a TV with streaming services?” And to that, I say: everything. You see, streaming television has become a cornerstone of our daily lives. We use it to unwind after a long day at work, to bond with our loved ones, and to escape into different worlds. And the fact that my hotel room offered this service made me feel like they really understood what their guests wanted. But it wasn’t just the TV itself that was impressive. It was the way that

The Latest Hospitality Technology Trends

The hospitality industry has always been an early adopter of technology, with hotels and resorts constantly seeking new ways to improve the guest experience and increase revenue. In recent years, the rise of advanced technologies and changing guest expectations have fueled a number of technological trends that have become essential for driving revenue in the hospitality space. We’ll take a look at some of the recent technological trends that are helping hotels increase their revenue: Personalization: Personalization is key in today’s hospitality industry. Guests expect their experience to be tailored to their preferences and needs, and hotels that can deliver on this expectation are more likely to see repeat business and higher revenue. Personalization can be achieved through a number of technological solutions, such as mobile apps that allow guests to customize their stay, automated check-in and room selection based on guest preferences, and targeted marketing campaigns that offer personalized promotions and packages. Tools like Apple TV for Hospitality helps add additional personalization to guest room experiences. Mobile Technology: Mobile technology has become an essential part of modern travel. From booking flights and hotels to ordering room service and exploring local attractions, guests rely heavily on their mobile devices throughout

Monscierge the Hotel TV Solution

Monscierge is a popular provider of hospitality technology solutions that can enhance the guest experience in hotels. There are several reasons why Monscierge is a good choice for smart TVs in hotels: Customizable: Monscierge’s technology is highly customizable, which means that hoteliers can tailor the content and services provided through their smart TVs to meet the specific needs and preferences of their guests. User-friendly: The Monscierge platform is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for guests to navigate and access the information they need. This can help to improve the guest experience and increase guest satisfaction. Interactive: Monscierge’s smart TV solutions is interactive, allowing guests to access a range of services, such as room service, housekeeping requests, and local information, directly from their TV screens. Cost-effective: Implementing Monscierge’s technology can be cost-effective for hotels, as it can help to reduce the need for printed materials and personnel to handle guest requests. Scalable: Monscierge’s solutions can be easily scaled to meet the needs of hotels of all sizes, from small boutique properties to large international chains. Monscierge’s smart TV solutions can provide a range of benefits for hotels, including improved guest experience, increased operational efficiency, and cost savings.