An overview of hotel information from Monscierge.
73% of guests will leave a review, but 88% use reviews to make their decisions. One bad review can affect your overall rating for months, which affects your overall ranking, bookings, and ultimately your pocketbook. The difference between 4.2 and 4.1 is whether a room gets booked or not. The reality is that rarely are great experiences highlighted. More often, it’s the negative experiences that get highlighted. Most people don’t like conflict or voicing negativity. The Monscierge platform heads off bad reviews by opening dialog early. Early on, a study called out that Monscierge offers technology for introverts. While semi-accurate, we provide tools for anyone who wants to change their experience. Guests can ask questions, voice frustrations, concerns, and enjoy a better stay. Properties can provide answers, service recovery, and count on a better positive experience by their guests. Monscierge provides a single platform that lets properties communicate with their guests and provide valuable information that helps drive higher value. Our in-room hospitality TV, SMS messaging, and digital signage systems are just a few of the ways we help you keep your ratings and increase occupancy.
Q2 just wrapped up. Monscierge just had another record-breaking quarter. With the quarter ending mid-week ahead of a holiday, there’s not much time to celebrate, but it’s great news across the entire company. Better yet, it’s a positive sign for the industry and hotels and vacation rental hosts around the world. Many of our clients are busier than they’ve ever been. Leveraging our tools like messaging and hospitality TV has allowed them to communicate in ways they previously thought were out of reach. With the close of Q2, we’re now focused on Q3 and beyond. We just wrapped up much of our roadmap planning for 2022, and the plan looks great. Seeing the progression of our platform and the continued enhancements is a testament to the company’s sales, engineering, customer success, and marketing teams. Over the next few months, we’ll share upcoming features and functionality to highlight where we’re going and how we’re getting there. Evolving the guest experience and solving the problems for hotels and vacation rentals is at the core of everything we’re doing. We want to thank all of the customers we’ve brought on. Your support and feedback are invaluable. We’d also like to invite anyone considering …
It’s interesting to talk with prospective clients. Occasionally, we’ll have a prospective client who recognizes the value and loves everything about it, but they start questioning whether they should use a new platform. The answer almost comes down to trepidation from past experiences that clouds their judgment. Luckily, we have years of experience that put people at ease with reviews, customer highlights, and our simple upfront promise that our solution works and lives up to our brand promise of creating better communication, staff accountability, and a better guest experience. Monscierge is easy to install. Our in-room solution includes automated tools that enable it to be up and running in as short a single day. Other tools like messaging can be up and running in hours. Our word is only good if we can back it up. We have more guest experience awards than any other hospitality company, and our award-winning platform gets new reviews every day. Occasionally, we miss the mark. We use those opportunities to fix the problem and a teachable moment across the entire company to ensure it doesn’t happen again. While we hope they never occur, owning up to mistakes is faster and easier. No two properties …
One of the exciting pieces of feedback we’ve received recently has been how many hotel staff still work remotely. A casino recently told us, “being a remote employee and having the ability to make changes and updates remotely for our guests is wonderful.” The ability to manage content, reset devices and communicate from afar is a time saver. It saves staff members from either need to be on-site or more often dropping their current tasks and go to another location to assist. Changing tasks is a time suck. The literal and monetary costs of changing tasks lead to mental blocks that can cost as much as 40% of a person’s productive time. Over a month, this has serious knock-on effects on overall productivity and costs. Treehouse Grove was able to re-focus staff on helping to grow the business rather than driving to their guest’s treehouse sites. Whether you’re a hotel or a vacation rental, the hidden costs of hospitality shouldn’t be ignored; they’ll cost you in the long run.
Monscierge provides the Hospitality TV platform built for any size property. We provide our platform to single room rentals and hotels with hundreds of rooms. The unifying factor? Every single property is serious about delivering a better guest experience. The beauty of our platform is that we’re scalable for any size and gladly work with vacation rentals like Airbnb, boutique hotels, healthcare, and many others. Our customers are sometimes surprised that our technology is even available for them. Early on, we formalized our company principles: Easy to use Easy to scale Easy to do business with Affordable Living by our principles creates a better experience for everyone. The truth of the matter is that often we’re in a position of helping our clients rebuild trust in technology and even trust amongst companies. Occasionally, a company comes to us after having been burnt by another vendor. So we’re in the position of building extra trust in our technology and platform. Luckily, we have 10+ years of practical experience across all levels of hospitality, including our hospitality research studies and support from some of the best-known companies around the world. We also work worldwide. Some of our earliest clients were in France …